May I present myself? My name is Bébé. I came to be in the fifties, more precisely in 1954. On December of that year, while waiting on a country store shelf in the small village of Neguac New Brunswick, a young fisherman came forward and took me in his dry and burnt hands. I trembled at first, fearing this man, but he was gentle and seemed very kind, I instantly knew everything would be all right. He gave me a thorough examination, asked for the price and took me to his home. And so, a new chapter in my life was about to begin!
I was then and there the first doll to be adopted by the fisherman’s daughter, a little girl with beautiful curls named Fernande.

What great moments the two of us shared! I have so many stories waiting to be told.

One day, she decided on becoming a doctor…I let her practise on my small body with needles and bandages. She wanted to be an artist, so I let her paint my body in red. When she tried becoming a teacher, I was the best student of all. At times she would be a mother...I would let her love me with unconditional love. Through the years, she owned more dolls. She would sometimes invite friends over, but I was never far away. In fact, I kept a close eye on her.
Years passed… In 1994, after a long stay in a wooden trunk along with my other friends from way back in the times, I suddenly found myself being near her once again. It seemed like I had never been away. Such a wonderful reunion! It was like having a chance to a second life. My best friend started collecting dolls, all kinds, naming me President of her precious Refuge pour poupées, where more than 2000 of my piers were able to be given a new beginning and a chance of being loved as I had been. A crazy idea turning into a passion!

With the years, I have witnessed the many accomplishments of my kind friend. I am still a member of the fisherman’s daughter’s family, La Fille du Pêcheur. I have always called her as such. In fact, her last project, a virtual boutique, is called «La Fille du Pêcheur». With the arrival of the Pandemic in 2020 and all the sanitary restrictions that followed, she decided it was time to let go of her dear little friends and others collectibles.
Today, I find myself swollen with pride at the thought that it might be me, small and marked with the passing of the years, who could have inspired my adoptive Mother in creating this magnificent Boutique. You can find all sorts of souvenirs and memorabilia for the collector in you. Check it out! lafilledupecheur.com

One last thing! She has promised that I, Bébé, would remain close to her forever. I will never be part of her inventory! Life is truly beautiful, do you agree?